“The aim of the redesign was to build Toyota’s image as a more progressive brand”

While I do see value in adapting your brand for a new era it seems there is an almost pathological resistance to being different. I still buy into the idea that you don’t need to be the best, you just need to be different.

There seems to be a simple pattern to follow. Make your logo flat. Create a lofty statement about the future and then back it up with a very dramatic logo animation. Use really powerful words that mean nothing to anyone like “openness”, “transparency” or “clarity”. Hold a massive event and tell the world you have changed.  

I am not saying these rebrands are bad in fact I do like the Nissan one. What I am saying is that they fall into a sameness box that fills me with Bleh. Is there nothing more behind these. The one thing I can say is that the design agencies are very good at bringing these flat logos to life in their secondary language. In fact, I think the graphic language on most of these is infinitely stronger.

Do you think staying with a trend is worth more than authentically standing out?

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