Was such a great experience looking back on the last 5 years of organising CreativeMornings Johannesburg. This little experiment of adding value to a community based on generosity and hustle has reaped some unexpected results. From being bored and unfulfilled in a studio to over 3500 attendees…

Thanks to Nicework for the time and cash.

Thanks to the partners who made it all possible. Thanks to the speakers who keep people coming back.

Shout out to the people who helped along the way: AlexaAlexisAndreaAnri, Arlene, Ayanda, BenBrittany, Candice, ConorDavidGordonJasonJessJohan, Kyle, Lauren, LuciNalediRebeccaRochelleRomeyTessaTheaBoitumelo and Yadev.

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I am always keen to meet new people. Let me know if you would like to chat about speaking, facilitating, building a brand or just to have a cup of coffee.

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