People are scared, the economy is going to suck for a long time and optimism is going to be hard to find. People are going to be holding onto what few Rands they have like my son likes to hoard his toy cars.

This scarcity mindset is going to have people believing that there is not enough, and drive them to hold onto what they have. 

Why should you care?

People are, and will continue to be in genuine need.

How can you truly help them?

You are going to have to connect to people on an emotional level to get them to engage with your product and service. Especially if it is not a necessity. Help people see a brighter future and go there with them.

Remember that in times like these people lean into escapism and experiences.

Where can you make an impact?

  • Rethink your pricing structure or delivery models. How can you create value for less?
  • Re-use, re-use, re-use. Create really high-value content once and repurpose it for many different uses. Does this change your pricing?
  • How can you help people change the way they are seeing or doing things? Could you make something easier, or more fun? Could you make them appreciate a simple thing a little bit more?
  • Build from your company values. Ask yourself, what space are you occupying in people’s minds?

This is an excerpt from Finding North (again) — where my team at Nicework and I have put a few thoughts together around Coronavirus and its aftermath:

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I am always keen to meet new people. Let me know if you would like to chat about speaking, facilitating, building a brand or just to have a cup of coffee.

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