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In this episode, we chat to Trent Clark, the CEO of Leadershipity – a growth coaching company that is dedicated to doubling organizations in half the time. He is also a three-time Major League Baseball World Series coach, who has fantastic leadership abilities – both on and off the field – with a unique blend of athletic discipline and entrepreneurial insight to his work

My key takeaways: 

The Importance of Team Culture 

Trent explains how crucial a purpose-driven culture is to the success of an organization. He references Peter Drucker’s famous quote, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast,” when highlighting how the best strategies can fail without the right team culture. 

The Value of a Coach 

Trent draws parallels between coaching professional athletes and entrepreneurs and highlights the significance of having a coach in both instances; as top athletes have coaches that keep them aligned with their goals and entrepreneurs should have coaches to help them stay on track. 

The Weight of the Ring  

Trent emphasizes the responsibility and challenges that come with achieving significant success in leadership roles. The Weight of the Ring is a metaphor for the burden of maintaining momentum, managing increased expectations and guiding others to look up to you. Achieving great success isn’t just about reaching the goal; it’s about enduring the added pressures and growing to meet the demands that follow, turning challenges into opportunities for further growth.

Hyper-Learning in Tough Times

During economic downturns, Trent notes that successful entrepreneurs are often “hyper learners” who have the ability to adapt to changes quickly and emerge from challenges much stronger. The ability to adapt and strive to continuously learn new skills are the key to thriving in difficult times.

Trent Clark discusses the importance of strong team culture, the value of coaching, and the responsibilities that come with leadership and success in both sports and business. What really captured me was his  “weight of the ring” metaphor and the message that true success involves embracing the challenges and the growth that comes from them. 


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More about Trent:

Trent Clark is a three-time Major League Baseball World Series coach who has made significant contributions both on and off the field. With over 12 years in MLB, he played pivotal roles in leading teams to success, including the Cleveland Indians in the World Series in 1995 and 1997. Trent’s expertise in strength and conditioning helped shape many athletes’ careers during his tenure.

Beyond his baseball achievements, Trent is a successful entrepreneur and leadership coach. He is the CEO of Leadershipity, a consulting firm dedicated to developing exceptional leaders and sustainable organizational systems. His passion for empowering others has earned him the nickname “Dream Maker,” reflecting his commitment to helping people achieve their goals and reach peak performance in both sports and business.

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