Is Web3 becoming centralised? – OMQ Season 04 – Anthony Di Iorio

In Episode #68, Ross is joined by Anthony Di Iorio, co-founder of Ethereum and founder of Decentral Inc and Andiami.

Anthony’s mission has always been to empower people with the tools they need to be in total control over three things – their money, communication, and identity. He co-founded Ethereum in 2013. He is currently the founder and CEO of Decentral Inc. – an innovation hub & software development company focused on decentralized technologies. He has also recently launched Andiami, a global tech project designed to power a user-controlled internet while complementing & assisting decentralized technologies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others.

Ross and Anthony discuss the values that drove Ethereum’s success, how Web3 runs the risk of becoming centralised, and what he believes is the perfect model for solving business problems

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