It’s not a branding job when it’s part of your DNA – OMQ Season 03: Matt Brownell

It’s not a branding job when it’s part of your DNA – OMQ Season 03: Matt Brownell

Yoco is a brand that wears its heart on its sleeve and really stands up for what it believes in. They had an incredible response to South Africa’s lockdown and helping their clients make it out the other side.

In episode 28 on One More Question, I spoke to Matt Brownell about how they did it, working for a company that remains very purpose-driven, and building a brand on a budget.

Some great insight into how they have built such an amazing company.

“80% of our customers had never accepted card before. So they were cash only businesses. And when you take people from what’s effectively the dark economy of hard cash notes being passed over counter to a digital payments system, where there’s a record of sales going back month after month. You’re giving people a digital footprint, which is hugely powerful and empowering in the long run. Digital footprints allow you access to tonnes of services and tools, which you wouldn’t have if you had just a cash based business.” – Matt

Other places to listen:  APPLE PODCASTS   |   GOOGLE PODCASTS   |   SPOTIFY   |   STITCHER   |   POCKET CASTS   |   OVERCAST

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