No one is buying your thin veil of caring. It comes off as tone-deaf and insensitive. If you don’t believe in something and are looking to cash in on a trend, just don’t. If you are worried that by not doing anything people will call you out, then do something meaningful. Here are some tips on how to do just that:
Join the community
If you want to play in the sandbox you need to be in it. Long before you can get the press and the PR for giving a shit about something, you need to put in the work. Think of communication less as a megaphone and more as a gift to your audience.
Different is better than better
If you are wanting to stand out and signal to the right people. Choose a day that is not set aside for the specific issue. There are 364 other opportunities in the year. Stand out and get noticed by stepping away from the herd.
Create meaningful calls to action
If you are going to shine a spotlight on an issue close the loop. Tell people how their action will help solve the problem. Give them everything they need to do the thing you are asking them to do.
Stop making bad marketing that looks like you care and build a brand that actually makes a difference. Who have you seen do this well?