Thought 01: This is the largest and fastest leap online that we will ever see

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We are seeing the fastest adoption from the late majority ever. Digital conferencing, online shopping, chat programs (Slack, Teams, Facebook for business), remote work, webinars, E-books, heck people are even joining online exercise classes. 

I personally spent 30 minutes on the phone coaching my 73-year-old father on how to add his credit card to a website. 

Things are shifting!

Why should you care?

If you are not online, you need to think about how you can be. It is time to own this channel.

Many of these people are taking their first steps outside of Facebook or Instagram and this presents an opportunity for you to be there. Most importantly – people are not going to go back. 

There are more people on the internet than ever before.

More people on social media than ever before.

More potential eyeballs on your message than ever before.

Where can you make an impact?

There is a completely new category of people coming “online,” and no one has figured out what they need and or want yet. Hint: it is not the same as the youth 😉 There is an opportunity to cement your online reputation before everyone goes back outside.

  • People are looking for guidance, education and training. What are you an expert at? What can you share with people to help them out now.?
  • User experience needs to take this new audience and the new behaviour into account.
  • Making a genuine connection with people is really going to count going forward.

This is an excerpt from Finding North (again) — where my team at Nicework and I have put a few thoughts together around Coronavirus and its aftermath:

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I am always keen to meet new people. Let me know if you would like to chat about speaking, facilitating, building a brand or just to have a cup of coffee.

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