Never before have we been forced to stay apart in times of crisis. As we crave connection, people are making meaningful digital contact in these times of need.

This virus has been a test of our humanity, and around the world, people have stepped up to help. 

The question is are brands stepping up too?

Why should you care?

There is kindness everywhere. The number of initiatives and philanthropic movements that have been created in this short space of time speaks to the resilient and opportunistic nature of humans.

People’s habits and their outlook have shifted. This has been an electroshock of perspective. You are going to need to figure out what people’s new needs are, fast.

Where can you make an impact?

  • People are going to want something different after this. Why not be the company that asks for their input?
  • Put your people up front and centre. People are going to want to know “Who” they are dealing with
  • Put your trust in people – how can you create a two-way dialogue with the people you serve?
  • Collaborate to extend your network, what services complement yours?
  • How can you bring people together around your product or service? or where are people already gathering that you can add some value to?

This is an excerpt from Finding North (again) — where my team at Nicework and I have put a few thoughts together around Coronavirus and its aftermath:

Get in touch

I am always keen to meet new people. Let me know if you would like to chat about speaking, facilitating, building a brand or just to have a cup of coffee.

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