Apart from the massive move to online and convenience shopping, people are realising that their local businesses and services are at risk.
To add to this, people are waking up to how much they actually need and what it is they value.
Why should you care?
There is going to be a drive towards supporting local business.
Expect people to want to help those who are under pressure and the small businesses who are seen as a vital part of their community — from the little coffee shop on the corner, to the proudly local manufacturing business.
Expect people to rethink their consumption habits and shift their spending patterns.
Where can you make an impact?
- If you are global act local. If you are local, think global.
- How do you connect to your community or customers? How can you amplify this? Are you actively investing in these relationships?
- Time to sell benefits and not features
- We have long been the champions of transparent business practice, now more than ever this is important. You need to get people to trust you.
- How could you partner with small business to create a new offering?
This is an excerpt from Finding North (again) — where my team at Nicework and I have put a few thoughts together around Coronavirus and its aftermath: https://nwrk.co/findingnorth.